About Us
Standing Stone Bible Church is a family of those in submission to Jesus who exist to help one another follow Jesus in order to glorify God.

Our Name
The church was first named Word of Life Alliance Church then changed to Gretna Community Church in the mid 90’s and then adopted her current name, Standing Stone Bible Church.
The name, Standing Stone Bible Church, reflects a core belief that the “Stone that the builders rejected” (Ps.118:22) is Jesus the crucified who rose from the dead 3 days later stood in triumph over death and the grave before ascending to Heaven. He will return as an uncut stone to take rule of the whole earth.
The word “Bible” in her name is a declaration that the Bible is God’s Word to mankind and is seriously studied and diligently followed at SSB.
The word “Church” in her name speaks of a called-out group seeking to please God meaning that her adherents are to boldly claim Jesus as Savior and act, talk, and live differently than those who do not embrace Jesus.
Standing Stone Bible Church is excited for the opportunity to be the hands and voice of Jesus to the area. May He be known through SSB and may He be pleased!
The name, Standing Stone Bible Church, reflects a core belief that the “Stone that the builders rejected” (Ps.118:22) is Jesus the crucified who rose from the dead 3 days later stood in triumph over death and the grave before ascending to Heaven. He will return as an uncut stone to take rule of the whole earth.
The word “Bible” in her name is a declaration that the Bible is God’s Word to mankind and is seriously studied and diligently followed at SSB.
The word “Church” in her name speaks of a called-out group seeking to please God meaning that her adherents are to boldly claim Jesus as Savior and act, talk, and live differently than those who do not embrace Jesus.
Standing Stone Bible Church is excited for the opportunity to be the hands and voice of Jesus to the area. May He be known through SSB and may He be pleased!
Our Distinctives
Congregation: Fellowshipping as a whole family (all generations) is important at Standing Stone Bible Church. We believe that grandparents all the way down to grandchildren should enjoy worshiping our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ together. Therefore, we provide a format of music, sharing, and teaching that is cross-generational. Our worship music is a blend of hymns, choruses, and modern.
Curriculum: We use mostly the Bible alone for study and teaching material because we believe that God’s Word is the final authority and we desire the body to know and grasp the whole of Scripture.
Counseling: This ministry is open to any and it approaches every problem from one perspective only – the Bible has the answer.
Caring: We strive to point to Jesus, our Faithful Friend and Great Physician. We will help where we can and we have an active prayer chain and regular prayer times.
SSB Local Rule: Standing Stone Bible Church has a governing board made up of all elders elected each year by the membership. These men must meet Scriptural qualifications and fulfill the duty of church leadership which is maintaining purity and peace (James 3:17). The pastors are in this group. The elders delegate areas of service to individuals or groups as needs arise.