Pastor Ken Wombacher
Pastor Ken is the husband of Whitney and the father of Alec, Isaac, Elijah, Amelia, Jade, and Olivia. The Wombachers have attended SSB since 2004 and Pastor Ken joined the staff in 2015. Pastor Ken has a degree in Bible and Theology from Liberty University and a master’s degree in ministry studies from Grace Theological Seminary in Indiana.

Pastor Tim Yoder
Pastor Tim joined us at Standing Stone Bible Church in July 2021. He and his wife, Katie, came from Denver, Colorado, where Pastor Tim completed his MDiv in Theology at Denver Seminary. Both Pastor Tim and Katie served in the U.S. military before the Lord called Pastor Tim into pastoral work. He is SSB’s Pastor of Student Ministries.

Pastor Ken Buttermore
Pastor Ken came to Standing Stone Bible Church (then Gretna Community Church) in 1998. He has pastored in Nebraska, Wyoming, and South Dakota for nearly fifty years in five churches. He holds the M.A. in Bible Exposition from Pensacola Christian College. Pastor Ken and Janet reared 5 children and now enjoy 18 grandchildren. Pastor Ken is pastoring Ashland Bible Church, but remains Pastor Emeritus of SSB.

Ron Anderson
Ron has been married to Kathy 49 years and they have 3 married children and 13 wonderful grands! The Andersons attended SSB when known as Word of Life and then Gretna Community Church (1979-1997). They were away for a period before returning home to SSB. Ron is a retired masonry contractor.

Troy Bothwell
Troy is husband of Shawna and father of Praise, Autumn, Elijah, Cameron, Shiloh, and Josiah. Troy and Shawna are originally from Gretna and have served in SSB's music ministry since 1999. Troy works for Streck and is also SSB's worship director.

Kyle Lane
Kyle is the husband of Aimee and father of Obadiah, Summer, Phoebe, and August. Kyle and Aimee met while in their teens at SSB and were married in 2010. Kyle works in IT Project Management. Kyle and Aimee live in Gretna.

Al Douglas
Alan is the husband of Barb, father of 4, and grandfather of Payton, Max and Mia. Alan and Barb are originally from Ontario Canada and became part of the SSB family in 2003. They have joyfully served in many areas at SSB with a primary focus on Children's ministry. Alan works for Grant Thornton as financial consultant and he and Barb live in Millard.