Standing Stone Bible Church is a place to call home. We are a group of Christ-followers who engage in life-giving community. Perhaps you do not yet know Jesus to where your life has been truly impacted by Him. On the other hand, you may be one who has a mature, fruitful relationship with Jesus and desire to continue growing in the grace and knowledge of Him while serving alongside others. Likely you are just somewhere in the middle. Perhaps Standing Stone Bible is the place for you. We would love to learn more about you while you learn of us. Join us for a Sunday service.
When we Meet
Sunday Mornings
8:45 am Sunday school
10:00 am Worship Service
10:00 am Worship Service
Sunday Evenings
6:00 pm Evening Fellowships
(most Sunday evenings)
(most Sunday evenings)
What To Expect ON Sunday morning
When you walk in our front doors, you'll be greeted - you probably will not touch a door handle on your way into the building. Expect some smiles and a warm "hello." You might grab a cup of coffee and visit with some of our friendly greeters or hosts. Attire is "come as you wish." You'll see a few suits and ties as well as shorts and t-shirts.
Our typical worship service runs about 75-80 minutes. We sing a mixture of contemporary and traditional music led by one of our worship teams. You'll notice most folks stand while singing. There is childcare available for nursery-age children. Prior to the sermon during the worship service, we do release younger elementary-age children for children's church; this is entirely optional as many of our parents prefer to have their children alongside of them for the entire service.
The first Sunday of each month is unique as we partake of communion. While we do not require membership to join us in communion, we do insist that you be a Christ-follower. Thus, we ask parents to be mindful of their little ones who may not yet understand the significance. You are also not obligated to join us in sharing. Also on that first Sunday, we have a "Pot-Trust" (not "luck") meal after. . . join us if you can and do not be concerned if you have not brought anything to share.
If you join us for Sunday school, ask our hosts for information on the classes that are available. You'll find a few adult class choices and classrooms for all children and youth. We would love to show you around and ensure you get to a classroom easily. Below, you will find a listing of our current class options.
Our typical worship service runs about 75-80 minutes. We sing a mixture of contemporary and traditional music led by one of our worship teams. You'll notice most folks stand while singing. There is childcare available for nursery-age children. Prior to the sermon during the worship service, we do release younger elementary-age children for children's church; this is entirely optional as many of our parents prefer to have their children alongside of them for the entire service.
The first Sunday of each month is unique as we partake of communion. While we do not require membership to join us in communion, we do insist that you be a Christ-follower. Thus, we ask parents to be mindful of their little ones who may not yet understand the significance. You are also not obligated to join us in sharing. Also on that first Sunday, we have a "Pot-Trust" (not "luck") meal after. . . join us if you can and do not be concerned if you have not brought anything to share.
If you join us for Sunday school, ask our hosts for information on the classes that are available. You'll find a few adult class choices and classrooms for all children and youth. We would love to show you around and ensure you get to a classroom easily. Below, you will find a listing of our current class options.
worship service
10:00 - 11:15 am
Worshiping together, praising God, and learning from His Word, is the pinnacle of Standing Stone Bible’s week. Nursery and Children’s Church are available for newborns through preschool and “Joyful Noise” during the sermon for early elementary. However, all children are welcome for the duration of the worship service as well.

We share in the Lord's Supper on the first Sunday of every month during the worship service.

Pot Trust
A fellowship lunch the first Sunday of every month
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Joyful Noise
Optional "children's church" worship participation training for grades K-5th during the sermon
Sunday School
8:45 - 9:45 am
We have nursery for children under 2 years old. For children age 2 through High School, we have age specific classes.

Bible Based Curriculum
Standing Stone Bible's Sunday School curriculum provides an age-appropriate systematic study of the Bible.

All Sunday school teachers, nursery volunteers, and staff members are screened with a background check.

We love to see friendships blossom as the children at Standing Stone Bible grow up together.
Sunday school for our middle and senior high students focuses on learning about God's Word and His plan for their lives.

The Bible
It is our goal to produce graduates from our Sunday School who know the ebb and flow of the Bible, who understand what they believe and why, and who know how to stand and speak for Christ.

Middle School
In Middle School (Grades 6-8), we cover doctrines of the Bible, cultural issues that teenagers face, and the components of God’s will in their lives.

High School
In High School (Grades 9-12), students formulate biblical positions on ethical issues, develop a solid set of beliefs using Bible proof texts, and review the story of God’s redemption throughout Scripture.
Continuing education about Christ, home, and service for specific groups and adults in whole and in general.

The Huddle
The Huddle is a men’s class that generally works through a book of the Bible to exhort men in their walk with Christ.

Older Women Leading Studies (OWLS) is a class for younger women on family, marriage, and life.

This is an adult class studying the Bible in order to defend the faith.

This is an adult class that comprehensively studies the Bible.

Young Adults
This is an adult class for younger adults (generally ages 18-26) using both Biblical topics and inductive Bible study.
Where we are located
We are in Gretna, Nebraska at 321 South Highway 6.
We are located off of US Highway 6/31 in Gretna, Nebraska. Gretna is a rural community southwest of Omaha, Nebraska. Our building is less than a mile south of Highway 370 and about 3.5 miles north of I-80.
As Highway 6/31 curves through town to go southwest (from 370) or northeast (from I-80), you'll find us on the south side of the road. To the north is Meadow Drive into a Gretna neighborhood. We have two entrances: One directly accessible to Hwy 6 and another in the Willow Park neighborhood, off of Willow Park Drive. As you leave, you might even prefer to exit through the neighborhood to avoid highway traffic.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
As Highway 6/31 curves through town to go southwest (from 370) or northeast (from I-80), you'll find us on the south side of the road. To the north is Meadow Drive into a Gretna neighborhood. We have two entrances: One directly accessible to Hwy 6 and another in the Willow Park neighborhood, off of Willow Park Drive. As you leave, you might even prefer to exit through the neighborhood to avoid highway traffic.
We look forward to meeting you soon.