As you come to him

a living stone

rejected by men
but in the sight of God
chosen and precious

Living stones  -  1 PETER 2:4-5  

All who follow Jesus are like living stones being built into a spiritual house.  Our focus is the Living Stone - Jesus - rejected by man but, in the sight of God, chosen and precious.  Thus, each of us is to be a holy priesthood offering our lives as a spiritual sacrifice to God through Jesus Christ.  Spend some time on our website to learn more about us.

Welcome to
standing stone bible Church

We are an evangelical Bible church seeking to lift up the name of Jesus in Gretna, Nebraska.  Standing Stone Bible Church offers an array of ministries highlighted by home Life Groups and a large Wednesday evening family program.

What to expect on Sunday mornings

You may join us for Sunday school at 8:45 am or join us just for the worship service at 10:00 am.  Our typical service last about 75-80 minutes. We sing a mixture of contemporary music and traditional hymns led by our worship teams.   Some men are dressed in a suit and tie while others wear a t-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops.  We do have a nursery for little ones and younger elementary-aged children can take part in a "children's church" time during the sermon - they will be dismissed.   Come early for a cup of coffee if you wish and hang out after to meet some new people.

Sunday School


Sunday Mornings


Sunday Evenings


Latest worship service

Sunday is the Lord's Day and we gather each Sunday morning to worship.   This link will take you to our most recent worship service.  You may also browse our library for other services.   We hope you are encouraged as you watch.