The LIGHThouse Guardian
December 17, 2024
And behold, there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothing white as snow. And for fear of him the guards trembled and became like dead men. But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay…”
– Matthew 28:2-6
– Matthew 28:2-6
Here is not here. Only a CRUCIFIED Savior is worthy of WORSHIP. Yet, the foundation for our faith is THE RESURRECTION. He is Risen! This is why the symbol of our Protestant traditions is the empty Cross. Christ is not dead. He is alive! Our salvation is made complete in the eternal hope due to Christ being risen. Without Christ, there would be no hope. And it is in his glory, we get a glimpse of the blessings to come.
LIGHThouse Come to our youth group tomorrow night, December 18th at 6:50pm to 8:15pm. “Supner” is at 6:00pm for fellowship and food. We are finally concluding the Gospel of Matthew! We are called to be disciples who make more disciples. You are sent! See you at the LIGHThouse.
LIGHThouse Christmas Party 2024 The annual LIGHThouse Christmas Party is set for Friday, December 20th at 6:00pm. If you have ideas or would like to help with the party, talk to the student leaders. There will be snacks, worship, a devotion, and fellowship. Looking forward to celebrating the Incarnation.
NO LIGHThouse Next TWO Weeks As we near the end of the calendar year, may we enjoy our last LIGHThouse gathering tomorrow. There will NOT be youth group for the next two weeks after that. This is due to Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. We invite you to join us at the 10:00am Christmas Day service next Wednesday. Merry Christmas!
NO LG:t There will be NO LG:t for the next two weeks, due to the Christmas Program and break. See you again December 29th!
LIGHThouse Come to our youth group tomorrow night, December 18th at 6:50pm to 8:15pm. “Supner” is at 6:00pm for fellowship and food. We are finally concluding the Gospel of Matthew! We are called to be disciples who make more disciples. You are sent! See you at the LIGHThouse.
LIGHThouse Christmas Party 2024 The annual LIGHThouse Christmas Party is set for Friday, December 20th at 6:00pm. If you have ideas or would like to help with the party, talk to the student leaders. There will be snacks, worship, a devotion, and fellowship. Looking forward to celebrating the Incarnation.
NO LIGHThouse Next TWO Weeks As we near the end of the calendar year, may we enjoy our last LIGHThouse gathering tomorrow. There will NOT be youth group for the next two weeks after that. This is due to Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. We invite you to join us at the 10:00am Christmas Day service next Wednesday. Merry Christmas!
NO LG:t There will be NO LG:t for the next two weeks, due to the Christmas Program and break. See you again December 29th!
NEW! Book of John Bible Reading Challenge WEEK 3 You are invited to do the Book of John Reading Bible Challenge! It is a 28-day plan that challenges you to read, summarize, and pray each day. Those who went to the Reality Conference this year may recall being challenged to read and interact with the Gospel of John. You will find the workbook in your booklets from the conference. If you would still like to do the challenge with PT, you may pick up a copied version (or use your Reality booklet, if you have one) of the plan. Complete the project by December 31st to receive a prize!
Student Prayer Ministry Need prayer? We desire to build a culture of prayer in the youth ministry. If you need to talk to anyone and get encouragement and prayer, Pastor Tim and the sponsors are always willing to pray for you. As a standing offer, Pastor Tim and the student leaders are offering prayer after the LIGHThouse.
Student Leadership Cohort (SLC) High School students have the opportunity to grow deeply in their faith while also serving as a part of a leadership team for LIGHThouse. The SLC meets monthly for a devotion, to plan events, and to create discipleship opportunities for their fellow students.
LG:t (Life Group for Teens) meets on Sunday evenings, 6:00pm to 8:15pm in room 115. Beginning September 1st, we will be talking about resisting temptation. Bring your Bible and a snack to share with the whole group!
LIGHThouse Youth group meets on Wednesdays from 6:50pm to 8:15pm!!! Join us for fellowship, a sermon, small groups, and games! Bring your Bible. Bring your friends!!!
NEW! Book of John Bible Reading Challenge WEEK 3 You are invited to do the Book of John Reading Bible Challenge! It is a 28-day plan that challenges you to read, summarize, and pray each day. Those who went to the Reality Conference this year may recall being challenged to read and interact with the Gospel of John. You will find the workbook in your booklets from the conference. If you would still like to do the challenge with PT, you may pick up a copied version (or use your Reality booklet, if you have one) of the plan. Complete the project by December 31st to receive a prize!
Student Prayer Ministry Need prayer? We desire to build a culture of prayer in the youth ministry. If you need to talk to anyone and get encouragement and prayer, Pastor Tim and the sponsors are always willing to pray for you. As a standing offer, Pastor Tim and the student leaders are offering prayer after the LIGHThouse.
Student Leadership Cohort (SLC) High School students have the opportunity to grow deeply in their faith while also serving as a part of a leadership team for LIGHThouse. The SLC meets monthly for a devotion, to plan events, and to create discipleship opportunities for their fellow students.
LG:t (Life Group for Teens) meets on Sunday evenings, 6:00pm to 8:15pm in room 115. Beginning September 1st, we will be talking about resisting temptation. Bring your Bible and a snack to share with the whole group!
LIGHThouse Youth group meets on Wednesdays from 6:50pm to 8:15pm!!! Join us for fellowship, a sermon, small groups, and games! Bring your Bible. Bring your friends!!!
LIGHThouse Sponsors: Pastor Tim, Kyle, Aimee, Ryan, Jamie, Hugh, Pat, Danell, Neil, & Sarah