December 23, 2024

A Point from pastor

As many of you take time to unwrap gifts on Christmas morning, may there be a lesson in the wrapping paper, plastic, and cardboard that is thrown away.    Every parent has realized over the years how easy it is to accidentally discard a present or instructions along with all of the trash.  May we not mistakenly discard the greatest gift of the day.  

We give gifts as a token to remember the gift; our gift giving is a way of blessing others that we might remember God's great blessing to us.  As the wrapping paper is cleared away this next week may you not just have all of the store-bought gifts remaining, but may you have some special memories of the great gift of God incarnate.  Jesus is the highlight, the reason, the purpose.   What might you do to make these next few days much about worship, praise, and adoration?    

Church Notes...

There are elder/assistant treasurer voting materials available in the information box to the left of the main church office.   The nominating committee consists of Neil Hammond, Mike Houdek, Pat Plagman, Chris Sebranek, and Pastor Ken Wombacher.   The offices of elder and assistant treasurer are voted on by the SSB membership annually.  
Consider the men of SSB, visit with one or more to see if they might let their name stand, and then speak to a member of the nominating committee about them.


Here are the highlights of classes and events THIS week

Christmas Eve & Day - There will be a Christmas eve program on Tuesday, December 24 at 5:30pm.
 On Christmas morning, there will be a short worship service at 10am.  

SSBC Office Hours - The SSB office will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday (Christmas Eve and Day) this week as well as on New Year's Day next week.  

upcoming events

Make note of the classes and events available in the near future

New Year's Eve Family Night - On New Year's Eve, there will be a family night at SSB.  Show up around 7pm and stay as late as you like.  Bring a snack and possibly a game to play.  The gym will be available as well for any that might want to run around.   Good-bye 2024.  

Men's Advance - Saturday morning, January 4 will be the annual men's advance at 7am.   Men, as you consider closing the book on 2024 and opening the next year, how will you advance?  Men:  Plan to join to help you prepare for a great year.  

Elder Info - On Saturday, January 4 at 9am, the elders are offering an introduction to eldering session that you may attend to learn more about what it looks like to be an elder at SSB.  This would be good for eligible men and, if they wish, wives to attend.  

OA:sis in January - Begins again on January 8.  Make these "One Another" events a part of 2025.  The Wednesday night life group study will begin working through Hebrews chapter 11.  

But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.

- Galatians 4:4-5

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

- James 1:17

But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah,
who are too little to be among the clans of Judah,
from you shall come forth for me
one who is to be ruler in Israel,
whose coming forth is from of old,
from ancient days.

- Micah 5:2

the Lord's day

The cantata was fantastic!  Thank you to all those who sang or played instruments (some did both!).  Thank you to Allison for leading the choir... and Shawna pulling the accompaniment together.   What a blessing the music was to all who heard.  

The message finished the conversation we began on light of Isaiah 9.   As dark as we think it is in our world, in our culture, these are not dark days but great days.  On we who have walked in darkness, we have seen a great light... to we who dwelt in deep darkness, a light has shone.   This is GREAT news!

We considered the prophecy of Isaiah being fulfilled in our life in regards to sin.  The bondage of sin has been broken and we have peace with God (the broken yoke in verse 4 and the war being over in verse 5).  Isaiah speaks of a past fulfillment of tha light coming into the world but this child born, this son given, is spoken in present tense.  Is He your Savior?   We need Jesus today more than ever... the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace.   This is our King that was born that day.   

Did You Know?

Standing Stone Bible Church highly recommends that our senior high school students attend the Summit Student Conferences.  Registration is now open.   In this 12-day summer conference, students gain tools to identify truth, build meaningful relationships, and learn confidence to tackle life’s toughest challenges.   SSB will cover 50% of the registration cost.  

Who is Worthy?

Amos was a “working-class” prophet, a farmer and herdsman from Judah.  He was sent to the northern kingdom to speak of God’s judgment to come.  The nations surrounding Israel and Judah were to be judged (yay!).  But, so were Israel and Judah (oh, no!).  Amos warns that God does not play favorites.  This means that God is willing to pour out his blessings, regardless of status or ethnicity.  But this also means that none escape judgment for sin.  As Israel writes, he circles Israel delivering a message of judgment to the surrounding nations.  Israel would not have been troubled by this.  As long as God was judging other nations.  But, then, God starts meddling!  Preaching to Israel.  Although Israel had been chosen, the belt was going to come off.  God does not compromise with sin.  We must “prepare to meet our God!” (Amos 4:12).   God, though, as Amos shares, will restore us and forgiveness is offered and gladly given.  If we will stop going our own way and, as Amos would say, “seek the Lord and live” (5:4, 6).  Seek God.  God is worthy! 

“In a small manger in Bethlehem the eternal Son of God became a man.  We can hold to this truth - called the incarnation - even if we cannot comprehend all it means.  We can affirm that Jesus has always existed and that there was a definite point in human history when he was born a baby. Jesus is both fully God and fully human.”

-  Matt Carter & Josh Wredberg

Prayer Prods

  1. Connie V is making an emergency transport of her son, Angel, to US.  Gravely ill.
  2. Dave W is recovering from knee surgery
  3. Cheri V and Amy M still recovering from surgery
  4. Becky M with a medical procedure on 12/26
  5. Kathie P in cancer treatments
  6. Others that are being treated for cancer (Joyce, Peggy, Ron)
  7. Those in need of employment or money helps
  8. That the remaining days of this year point many to Christ

General Calendar