December 30, 2024

A Point from pastor

Our 39th President, Jimmy Carter, passed away yesterday at age 100.  He was the longest-lived President in history.  Considering that he left office in 1980, most Americans were not alive when he served as President.  Isn't that an astounding statement?  

The next few days and weeks will certainly bring the media to unpack much of his life, especially the more positive notes.  Most of the rhetoric will make him sound much better than he really was (true of most public figures on their passing - and true of each of us at our own funerals).    History (hopefully) has and will tell a more balanced story.   There are absolutely things to be admired.  President Carter served in the Navy.  He was married to one wife, Rosalynn, for 77 years.  77 years!   He went from a peanut farm to the Oval Office.  He served as an ambassador and worked for many years after leaving the White House.  He taught Sunday school for over 60 (maybe 70) years.  

President Carter professed to be a Christian.  Yet, if we were to unpack his theology, we would certainly find several differences. Some might even question his salvation in many of his past statements.  As I have been reflecting on this, it occurred to me how I have questioned, in the past, why our founding fathers left this country fairly open as far as religion goes.  In fact our first amendment reads:  "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." They could have just as easily wrote these words: "The United States shall be a Christian nation and there will be no law establishing other religions."   Some have wished we were clearly, legally, a Christian nation.  

But, then, the question would be, "Whose Christianity?"  Would we want President Carter's Christianity?  

Our founding fathers had already experienced national Christianity.  It had failed them.  It would have failed in the United States as well.  What doesn't fail, though, is biblical Christianity; the body of Christ, living out their walk according to the Bible, cannot be stopped.  Not even the gates of hell will prevail against the true church of Christ (Matt. 16:18).  Because He is the foundation (1 Cor. 3:11).  Our call is to build on that foundation with solid materials that will not burn up when He returns.   It matters not so much what the man in the White House believes about Christ but about what the man (or woman) in your house believes about Christ and then lives out.  Are you truly saved?  Are you truly sound in your theology, testing it repeatedly against Scripture?   Are you obeying God's Word?  

We do not need Christianity as our national religion.   Be more concerned about obedience to and winning folks to Christ than concern about you or your political party.    Live out true Christianity... which begins by dying:  "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me" (Gal. 2:20).    I hope you agree with me....   I don't want a "Christian nation" to prevail; I want Christ reigning and His kingdom worshipping Him for now and for ever.  

Church Notes...

Elder and assistant treasurer voting materials are available in the information box in the church narthex.   The nominating committee consists of Neil Hammond, Mike Houdek, Pat Plagman, Chris Sebranek, and Pastor Ken Wombacher.   The offices of elder and assistant treasurer are voted on by the SSB membership annually.  

Be in prayer, consider the men of SSB, visit with one or more to see if they might let their name stand, and then speak to a member of the nominating committee about them.  This needs to happen before the week of January 13th.  


Here are the highlights of classes and events THIS week

New Year's Eve Family Night - On New Year's Eve, there will be a family night at SSB.   This is a casual time of hanging out... although we will pray... we may sing. Show up around 7pm and stay as late as you like.  Bring a snack and possibly a game to play.  The gym will be available as well for some more active games.  

Men's Advance - Saturday morning, January 4 will be the annual men's advance at 7am.   Men, as you consider closing the book on 2024 and opening the next year, how will you advance?   This is an opportunity to be impacted spiritually as you consider the year ahead.  Your sons (old enough to take in a two-hour session) are welcome.  

Elder Info - On Saturday, January 4 at 9am, the elders are offering an introduction to eldering.  This is an opportunity to learn more about what it looks like to be an elder at SSB.  This would be good for eligible men and, if they wish, wives to attend.

SSBC Office Hours - The SSB office will be closed Wednesday this week. 

Communion & Pot Trust Lunch - Sunday is our monthly communion service (prepare to join in this time).  After service is our monthly lunch gathering (bring a dish to share).  

upcoming events

Make note of the classes and events available in the near future

OA:sis in January - We begin again on January 8.  Meal at 6pm.   Make these "One Another" events a part of 2025.  The Wednesday night life group study will begin working through Hebrews chapter 11.  

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

- Romans 12:12

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope;

- Psalm 130:5

And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.

- Romans 8:23

the Lord's day

The final Sunday service of 2024!  Our youth led us in worship as well as rotating into other areas to serve SSB.  

Pastor Tim brought us the message from Joshua 8 about obedience bringing blessing.  After the battle of Jericho, the people mostly obeyed in how they handled the riches. However, mostly obeying is disobedience.   One man did not obey.  The pattern:  obeying God leads to blessing.  But disobedience means you will not be blessed.   In the end, we see that obedience brings abundant life - life lived with Christ is a life of submission.  As Christians, we can enjoy the spoils!  

Did You Know?

Standing Stone Bible Church highly recommends that our senior high school students attend the Summit Student Conferences.  Registration is now open.   In this 12-day summer conference, students gain tools to identify truth, build meaningful relationships, and learn confidence to tackle life’s toughest challenges.   SSB will cover 50% of the registration cost.  

A Joyful Heart

I may be one of the few that stands in the elevator considering the emergency phone.  Many elevators have a sign near a tiny little door on the wall with a phone inside.  The sign says, “In case of emergency, dial “0.”  Really?   That suggests to me that there are other dialing options on the elevator phone.   Ever wonder if you can make other phone calls from an elevator?  Did you ever try?

It does lead me to question “Why not just have a phone with one button?   Of course, without a sign, in an emergency, many might just stare at it thinking, “I wonder what I should dial?”  

Interestingly, the disciples asked Jesus how to use the emergency phone for God; Luke 11:1, they said, “Lord, teach us to pray.”   They wanted to know what the key was to get directly to the help, the power, the support.   “Do we just dial ‘0’ or what?”

Jesus spoke (in Matthew 6) of praying for the relationship, to get more of God (6:5-6).  In an elevator, no one cares who might pick up.  In our prayers, though, we want (need!) that communication with God.  Jesus also spoke about empty, religious prayers (6:7-8).  In an elevator, we better not just hit a bunch of buttons hoping that more activity impresses the person answering.  God is not impressed with long, loud, or “perfect” prayers.  He’s ready to listen – just pick up the phone!
And, do not just call out to God in an emergency.  There is not just a “0” on our prayer phone line . . .  there are many other numbers (reasons) to call out to God.  Be in prayer.   Without ceasing. 

“Of all the millions of souls numbered in Caesar Augustus's census, the one born in Bethlehem just in time to be included in it must have been, in worldly terms, about the most insignificant, and the least likely to figure, in the estimation of posterity, as having any comparable importance with that of the great Emperor.  It was a confrontation of sorts between the man who passed for being the ruler of the world and the latest and lowliest of his subjects.  Yet, of course, as it turned out, their roles were to be reversed; for centuries to come Jesus would reign over men's minds and hearts, when Augustus's kingdom existed only in history books and ruins.”

-  Malcolm Muggeridge

Prayer Prods

  1. Connie V's son, Angel in S Cali hospital.
  2. Becky recovering from eye procedure.
  3. Dave, Cheri, and Amy recovering from recent surgeries.
  4. Kathie P's treatments - Ron, Joyce, Peggy also dealing with cancer
  5. The US as it prepares for Carter's funeral.  May the gospel be clearly presented nationally.
  6. Those in need of employment/money helps

General Calendar