Some Christmas 'specials' at SSB:
- Sunday night (15th), 6pm is the Children's Christmas Program
- The youth have a Christmas party on Friday night (20th) at 6pm
- The Cantata is during worship on Sunday morning (22nd)
- Christmas Eve worship is Tuesday (24th) at 5:30pm
- Christmas Day (10am) will be a short worship service
- Four the Master is ministering - 3:30pm today (9th) at Brookstone & 3:15 on Monday the 16th at Silver Ridge
Why a virgin birth?
Scripture states that "
Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel" (Isa. 7:14). But, why? Why was it important to God that the Messiah, this child, be born of a virgin?
- The prophecy (Isa. 7:14) also stated that this was a sign from God... "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign." It wouldn't be much of a sign to just say "a son shall be born" - over 100,000 sons are born each day.... prophecy "fulfilled"?
- This is not just a son born. Isaiah 9:6 states that a child will be born and a son given. There is something of man born in this and something of God given. If the woman is not a virgin then it could be argued that both "somethings" are from man.
- Even if Jesus could live a life where He never sinned, without the virgin birth and the divinity "something" from God, He would be sinful in His nature because, all mankind from Adam are born sinful (Rom. 5:12) and "dead in their trespasses and sins."
- Tracing the need for a Messiah back to the fall of Genesis 3, also connects us to an implied prophecy that no man would be involved in the child's birth: As God speaks to Adam, Eve, and the serpent individually, He tells the serpent, "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring." Only the woman's offspring is mentioned. Not their offspring but hers.
- This was not mankind's doing. Mary was not even looking for this. She, thankfully, became a willing servant but the whole plan was God's. The miracle of the "virgin shall conceive" was entirely from God.
God's miraculous creation of this life through the virgin birth brought the Messiah to us. There is a salvation message inside of the virgin birth prophecy and fulfillment. The virgin birth provided the miraculous new life of Jesus (the Hebrew is
Yeshua which means "God is salvation"). Salvation is through no one else. If we will turn from our sin and believe in Jesus as our savior, God makes us a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17) - another miraculous new life is conceived. In Christ, we "
have the light of life" (John 8:12) and are to "
walk in newness of life" (Rom. 6:4).