July 8, 2024

A Point from pastor

"Let Freedom Ring!"   It sure sounded like it was ringing all through the weekend as fireworks were blaring Wednesday night, all day Thursday, then Friday, Saturday, and, I think, I heard a few last night as well.  Freedom sure was ringing in my ears for several days.  

That line is from the classic song, "My Country Tis of Thee."  How many know the final verse that speaks most deeply of our freedom?  

Our father's God to, Thee,
Author of liberty,
To Thee we sing.
Long may our land be bright
With freedom's holy light;
Protect us by Thy might,
Great God, our King!

The true author of liberty is God.  I do pray that our land may continue to be bright with freedom's holy light but that light is growing more and more dim.  

The "solution" is not in who governs us in DC.  The solution is looking to the author of liberty and continuing to preach the freedom that is only available in Him.  Only a people free from the burden of sin can live in true independence.   God, the author of liberty is also our protector - the One who we are dependent on.  "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal. 3:28).

Church Notes...

Creation Days volunteers will be needed for food, setup, cleanup, security, parking lot help, and the Creation Days Kids  Klub.   HERE IS A LINK for you to sign up and help out.   This will be for Saturday, August 10th.    

You may also register to attend the conference on our website.  Click on the "Register Now" button through these two spots below:  
Sign up for middle school through adults is here....  ADULT REGISTRATION
Sign up for children (newborn through 5th grade) is here....  CHILD REGISTRATION


Here are the highlights of classes and events THIS week

18-26 - Young adults study tonight at Zieg house.  

Safety - The final safety training session is Saturday at 1pm.  This training is required for all who work with children or youth at SSB.   Workers unable or unwilling to attend will be sidelined for some months (without prior arrangements made).  

VBS - Vacation Bible School is this week, Monday through Thursday, 9:30 am to 11:45 am.  The kids are learning "Why Jesus?"  More information on the website.  A program is Thursday night at 6:33pm for the VBS kids to share.  

Joyous Hearts - The monthly fellowship time for those ages 55 and older is this Wednesday morning at 10am.  

WCC - The Westminster Confession Class is a monthly study of doctrine based on the Westminster Confessional.  Join in this Saturday from 8 to 9:30 am.

POOL PARTY! - There is a LIGHThouse pool party Saturday 11am to 5pm at the Andersons’ house (10830 S. 232nd St., Gretna, NE 68028). This will occur Saturday, July 13th at 11:00am to 5:00pm. There will be a meal and devotional.

Info Class - This Sunday begins a three-week information class sharing about SSB's history, leadership, and doctrine.  This is helpful for newer folks and is also a necessary step for membership.  The three sessions will be during the Sunday school hour on July 14, 21, and 28.  

upcoming events

Make note of the classes and events available in the near future

Summer Bible Camps - Glad Tidings is a camp ministry we support and send our kids to.  The final "wilderness" camp is July 21-28 for grades 7th to 12th.   Visit their web-page HERE to learn more.

Creation Days Conference - August 10th will be this year's annual "Creation Days."  The format, this year, will be an all-day conference.   Matt Miles with the Creation Truth Foundation will be teaching at SSB (including breakout talks).  Food and childcare will be provided.  

The Lord is righteous in all his ways and kind in all his works.

- Psalm 145:17

“The Rock, his work is perfect, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and upright is he.

- Deuteronomy 32:4

But the Lord of hosts is exalted in justice, and the Holy God shows himself holy in righteousness.

- Isaiah 5:16

the Lord's day

We were invited to the banquet table of the Lord as we shared in Communion together.  From Luke 14, we asked and answered three questions:  Who is invited to the banquet of God's Kingdom?  The simple answer is that all are invited.  But, especially the broken!  Those lost in their sin are invited. Who, among the invited, get into the banquet?  Not everyone that is invited gets in.  Some make excuses.  Those who answer the call and turn to Jesus will get into the banquet.   Who is really honored at the banquet?  Many today are trying to position themselves to get honor but the honored guest is Jesus Christ our Lord.  We come to the table of communion to honor Him.  

We shared a message speaking of prayer (1st John 5 and John 14) considering praying in "the name of Jesus" - this is about His character, reputation, and authority.  It's how we pray in confidence and a check on our prayers to ensure they are "according to His will."  All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus (Matt. 28). . . and our prayers should be consistent with His character and enhancing to His reputation.  

Be the Church

Glory to God

How do we bring glory to God?  Our salvation brings glory to God (Eph. 1:12).   As we “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” we bring Him glory (see 2 Pet. 3:18).   Our serving God through the strength given by His Spirit gives Him glory.   Our endurance while suffering is used to bring God glory.   Our spiritual gifts bearing fruit bring Him glory (John 15:8).   You were created to bring God glory – He has made you a new creation to bring Him glory.  Essentially, as we live and show Jesus, we are bringing glory to God.  Let His glory be known and shown in your life.  Be the church. 

“Amidst all storms, winds, and tempests, yea, in a hurricane of sorrow and misery, faith knows where and how to cast anchor:  'Let not your hearts be troubled' (John 14:1)... God has extraordinary means to bear us up when ordinary ones fail.  He can turn poisons into antidotes, hindrances into furtherances, and destructions into deliverances...  God is with his people at all times, but he is most sweetly with them in the worst of times.”

- Thomas Lye

Prayer Prods

  1. Kathie P, Mike N, Ron M, Laurie H as they recover
  2. Ron A in for testing today.
  3. Jerry M is facing heart surgery
  4. SSB as she send out Jaime for evangelism work
  5. Danell's mom (Phyllis) in a mental health crisis
  6. Gerald's continued hospice care
  7. Drew (Anderson's grandson) recovering - many other family pressures for his parents this month
  8. McFarlings navigating courts 
  9. Gonzalez family and baby Isabelle

General Calendar