January 6, 2025

A Point from pastor

Happy New Year!  I know of a few resolutions made by a few folks.   It's always a positive to make a decision to improve your health, your relationships, or your walk with the Lord.  I applaud that.    Some of you have determined to read the Bible this year - good!   Keep it up!!!  Even during the rituals of Leviticus or the names of Chronicles, keep going!    

A word of caution, though - you will not find new year's resolutions inside of the Bible... as if there is a certain magic to the turning of the calendar year.   I'm guessing most of you did not become a new creation on January 1st . . .  you were born again on some other random day (e.g. Sunday, August 2, 1992).  God tells us, "“For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind" (Isa. 65:17).  But I do not read that He intends to do that after a countdown from ten around 11:59 pm, December 31st, Israeli Standard Time.  

Romans 8:31 says, "What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?"   In other words, as we hear God's word, it should move us to respond, without looking at the calendar to then wait until the new year.   We should not even check our day-planner to see if we can fit it into our schedule.  When God says "go" you best get marching!    

I'm not suggesting you don't make New Year's Resolutions.  By all means, some should!   But, I am saying, if you did not or you failed on a few or all by March, you need not wait until January 1, 2026 to begin again.   We, like Paul, should have the attitude of counting "everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord" (Phil. 3:7).   We should want to "gain Christ and be found in Him" (vv. 8-9), growing in a righteousness through faith in Him (v. 9) to know of His power and resurrection - even sharing in His sufferings (v. 10).  Our goal is to attain the resurrection from the dead (v. 11).   We do this by pressing on (v. 12) today!   Whether it be on January 1st, March 18th, July 4th, September 8th, or whenever, we must always be about "forgetting what lies behind," strain "forward to what lies ahead," and "press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" (vv. 13-14).  

This "resolution" is an anytime of the year and every day of the year resolution.  Today is always the best day to begin again.

Note:  A few months back, I joined in signing a letter that will go to the entire legislation in Nebraska to call them to end abortion in this state.   The letter represented a clear biblical case for why we must abolish it.  On January 23rd, many desiring this will gather in the capital building in Lincoln for a solemn assembly - praying, praising, and hearing God's Word that this would be done.    I plan on attending.  If you might like to join me, all are invited.  This is at noon on Thursday the 23rd.   Holler if you want to join me.
 - Pastor Ken W

Church Notes...

This is the final week to be nominating someone for elder or assistant treasurer.  Although you might have a day or two next week, that will be tight.  Voting materials are available in the information box in the church narthex.  The nominating committee consists of Neil Hammond, Mike Houdek, Pat Plagman, Chris Sebranek, and Pastor Ken Wombacher.   The offices of elder and assistant treasurer are voted on by the SSB membership annually.   Be in prayer for this process and the men. 


Here are the highlights of classes and events THIS week

Joyous Hearts - This monthly gathering for those ages 55 and older is Wednesday morning at 10am.  This time includes great conversations, fun, food, and a devotional.

OA:sis - Our time of "One Another: sharing, inspiring, and serving" starts again Wednesday evening with a meal at 6pm.  It's an easy way to join with others around a fellowship table (and saves you the trouble of meal prep!).  After, you may join in one of the evening offerings:  Kidz Club (K-5th grade) at 6:45, LIGHThouse (6-12th grade) at 6:50, and adult options at 7 (Prayer Force, Bible study, or the Pure Gospel presentation).  

upcoming events

Make note of the classes and events available in the near future

Men's Breakfast - Saturday morning, January 18 @ 7:30am. There is also a study before at 6:30am.  Note:  There is also a men's study on the 2nd and 4th Monday nights at 7pm (Kyle L's house) - they are beginning Ephesians this month.

Jaime on Evangelism - Jaime Farias will share on Sunday evenings, 6-7:15 pm, on January 12th and 26th.  

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

- Matthew 5:9

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.

- 2 Thessalonians 3:16

May the LORD give strength to his people! May the LORD bless his people with peace!

- Psalm 29:11

the Lord's day

We shared in communion as the body of Christ.  We began with music and worshipping our Lord - what a Savior!  What a sacrifice!  

The message was taken from a parable in Matthew 18 about forgiveness.   Jesus is asked how often to forgive and He gives a number - not for us to keep count but to instead show us that God really doesn't keep count.   The parable (Matt. 18:23-35) describes a king settling accounts (God will do his with each of us on judgment day).  One servant owed the equivalent of $20 Billion.  He pleaded for mercy and was forgiven the debt.  But, then, he leaves and finds another who owes him the equivalent of $10,000.  He has that one put in jail.  The king hears of this and jails the servant that had been forgiven.  

We then counted up our debt to God, our sin - and it, like that $20 Billion, is ludicrous.  Consider Jesus telling us the most important commandment is to "love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength" (Mark 12:30).  How do we as believers do with this?  Did you and I do this for even an hour yesterday?   Oh, the sin debt is piled high!  But God's grace and mercy are even greater.  The Communion Table represents the debt solution...   God's forgiveness is so much greater than our sin!  Our King, in His character, is compassionate.   God the Son paid for our debt through His death on the cross.    Of course, we who have been forgiven so much should be willing to forgive.  After all, we shared from a Communion table representing the greatest gift of forgiveness ever given to mankind.    Wow!

We ended the service with a special ceremony honoring Pastor Ken Buttermore.  As we continue to unpack the revitalization project at Ashland Bible Church, Pastor Ken is spending his full-time wrapped up in this.  So, in one sense, we said "good-bye" - In another sense we said "welcome back."  We honored him with the title of Pastor Emeritus.  We are so thankful for his over 25 years of serving the people of Gretna at 321 S. Highway 6.   We continued celebrating at the pot-trust lunch after. Thank you, Pastor Ken!  We are blessed by a great God!  

Did You Know?

Standing Stone Bible Church highly recommends that our senior high school students attend the Summit Student Conferences.  Registration is now open.   In this 12-day summer conference, students gain tools to identify truth, build meaningful relationships, and learn confidence to tackle life’s toughest challenges.   SSB will cover 50% of the registration cost.  

This Month in Christian History

January 404
The gladiator games in Rome ended in January of 404.  Emperor Honorius shut them down but history does not “honor” him with being the true instrument that ended them.  That honor goes to a Christian hermit named Telemachus.

Rome had just defeated King Alaric in northern Italy and, in true Roman fashion, they were having a victory celebration.  It was common during these celebrations to have gladiator contests; these popular, bloody events had been featured for hundreds of years.  Telemachus had felt called to visit Rome and arrived as everyone was going to the Coliseum – a battleground named for the giant statue of Nero standing nearby it (the same Emperor who had violently persecuted Christians 340 years earlier).
Sitting inside, Telemachus was horrified at what he saw.  Spectators cheered as fighters were mortally wounded.  Telemachus jumped from the crowd into the arena and screamed for the murdering games to stop.   He ran between the gladiators pleading for them to stop in the name of God’s mercy and Christ but the crowd just taunted them kill him.  Finally, one of the gladiators thrust a sword into him.   The crowd then threw stones at him.   He died on the floor of the amphitheater.

News of this event spread through Rome and actually shocked many.  Emperor Honorius recognized that Telemachus had been martyred and officially ended the games.  

“The assurance that God no longer counts my sin against me does two things.  First it assures me that God is for me, not against me... Further, the assurance... produces within me a strong sense of gratitude for what He has done and is presently doing for me through Christ.   This twofold effect of encouragement and gratitude together produce in us a desire to deal with our sin.”

-  Jerry Bridges

Prayer Prods

  1. Connie V with her son Angel in California
  2. A few still recovering from surgery:  Becky, Dave, & Amy
  3. Those involved in outside ministries such as...  jail, our quartet, Aspire, Jaime
  4. Leadership transition (certification today)... along with the state funeral
  5. Those under cancer treatments:  Kathie P, along with Ron, Joyce & Peggy
  6. Troubled marriages & troubled finances

General Calendar