December 2, 2024

A Point from pastor

"No one is above the law."  

Those words have been use extensively for several months prior to the elections as the left has sought to convict former President Donald Trump.  In the case of acting as a President, there are times that office must be shielded with a certain immunity in that role but it is also true that, even as President, there may be crimes against the nation that must be judged.  

We learned over the last few days that President Biden pardoned his son, Hunter of his crimes (some that Hunter even pleaded guilty to).  So, perhaps some people are above the law?  

Sadly, we have seen similar stories played out many times.  There have been many prominent pastors, for example, that have shifted their theological beliefs because of children choosing to be openly homosexual.  While holding relationships together is a good thing, it should not be done at the expense of God's truth.   It is certainly a difficult thing to love without affirming wrong choices but that must be done so that "God be true though every one were a liar" (Rom. 3:4).  

What might God say about a leader pardoning his guilty son?  In the beginning of 1st Samuel, the high priest, Eli, had two sons who were wickedly immoral in their roles as priests.  They were so bad, the Bible calls them "worthless men" (1 Sam. 2:12).   Eli did rebuke them (good) but failed to do what was needed to stop their behavior (bad).  They refused to listen and Eli refused to do what was necessary to clean house.  God held Eli accountable for his unwillingness to discipline and both he and his sons died.  

As hard as it may be, a good parent must both discipline their child and allow their child to be disciplined.  We must be wise if we are considering saving them from wrong decisions knowing that bad decisions - and their consequences - are often the best teaching tools.   We can hold our ground while leaving the light on at home, watching and praying for them.  Notice the prodigal's father never encouraged his son in sinful living nor did he follow after him but patiently watched and waited.   The hope is that the child returns to the Father a transformed child of God.  

Is there anyone that believes Hunter Biden will be transformed by the pardon of his father?  

Church Notes...

This month, we will be sharing more about nominations for elder and assistant treasurer.  These are offices voted on by the SSB membership annually.   Be considering the men of SSB - you are encouraged to visit with some to see if they might let their name stand.    


Here are the highlights of classes and events THIS week

Ladies' Christmas Party  - TONIGHT at 6:30 is a Christmas party for the gals.  Jill H. will speak on friendship and, if you wish to participate, bring a $15 gift for an exchange.  

upcoming events

Make note of the classes and events available in the near future

Joyous Hearts - Wednesday, December 11th is the monthly gathering for those ages 55 and older.

Children's Christmas Program - Sunday, December 15 at 6pm is the annual Christmas Program presented by our children's Sunday School classes.  We will have full practices the next two Sunday mornings (during SS) and also on Saturday the 14th at 10am.  

LIGHThouse Christmas Party - Friday, December 20th at 6pm, 6th through 12th graders are invited to a Christmas party.
Christmas Cantata - The annual Christmas cantata will be presented during the worship service on December 22nd.  

Christmas Eve & Day - There will be a Christmas eve program on Tuesday, December 24 at 5:30pm.  On Christmas morning, there will be a short worship service at 10am.  

You have said, “Seek my face.” My heart says to you, “Your face, Lord, do I seek.”

- Psalm 27:8

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.

- Isaiah 60:1

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

- Matthew 5:8

the Lord's day

We welcomed Praise Bothwell, Tristan Roberts, and Autumn Roberts into membership.  May they continue to grow in the Lord as they seek to be active in His body!  

We sang Christmas songs!  What?   Already?!?!   Yes!!!   We sang to "bring Him laud" ... bring Him praise!!!   Yes!

We took part in communion after working though John 15 and contemplating our position as branches of the vine.  Are we in need of cleansing?  Are we in need of pruning?   As believers those are always means that the vinekeeper (God the Father) uses to allow fruit to grow in our life.  As we come to the communion table, we are reminded of Christ as the "true vine" - He is our connection to the Father and, not unlike how wine is made, He body was crushed (grapes) and His blood flowed (wine).   May we continue to bask in His saving sacrifice!  

This Month in Christian History

December 374
In December of 374 (a mere 1,650 years ago), the church in Milan was rioting as they fought against Arianism (heretical teaching of Jesus being created and not the same substance or nature of the Father).  The Milan church demanded Ambrose become the bishop in December of 374.  

Ambrose was governor at the time but would go on to become a father of the church alongside of Athanasius and Augustine.  He assumed the role of bishop of Milan on December 7, 374.  He lived to see Arianism largely defeated.  In addition, he introduced the singing of hymns, a few of which survived today along with ninety-one of his episcopal letters.  Most notably, he is remembered for his influence on Augustine, who, after converting to Christ, was instructed and baptized by Ambrose.
When we speak about wisdom, we are speaking about Christ. When we speak about virtue, we are speaking about Christ. When we speak about justice, we are speaking about Christ. When we speak about peace, we are speaking about Christ. When we speak about truth and life and redemption, we are speaking about Christ.  - Ambrose

“Since, as one who has remaining sin still inside of him, it is right to say that the greatest danger in my life exists inside of me and not outside of me, then wouldn't it also be the height of naivety or arrogance to think that I would be okay left to myself?”

-  Paul Tripp

Prayer Prods

  1. Those healing from surgery
  2. Several that are fighting cancer
  3. Those facing the reality of an empty chair at Thanksgiving and Christmas
  4. Those in financial need (underemployed, looking for work)
  5. Those among us facing legal battles
  6. Some that found it difficult to say "thank you" to God.  
  7. Israel as she continues battling (even in a "ceasefire")
  8. Christmas preps and programs 

General Calendar