"No one is above the law."
Those words have been use extensively for several months prior to the elections as the left has sought to convict former President Donald Trump. In the case of acting as a President, there are times that office must be shielded with a certain immunity in that role but it is also true that, even as President, there may be crimes against the nation that must be judged.
We learned over the last few days that President Biden pardoned his son, Hunter of his crimes (some that Hunter even pleaded guilty to). So, perhaps some people are above the law?
Sadly, we have seen similar stories played out many times. There have been many prominent pastors, for example, that have shifted their theological beliefs because of children choosing to be openly homosexual. While holding relationships together is a good thing, it should not be done at the expense of God's truth. It is certainly a difficult thing to love without affirming wrong choices but that must be done so that "God be true though every one were a liar" (Rom. 3:4).
What might God say about a leader pardoning his guilty son? In the beginning of 1st Samuel, the high priest, Eli, had two sons who were wickedly immoral in their roles as priests. They were so bad, the Bible calls them "worthless men" (1 Sam. 2:12). Eli did rebuke them (good) but failed to do what was needed to stop their behavior (bad). They refused to listen and Eli refused to do what was necessary to clean house. God held Eli accountable for his unwillingness to discipline and both he and his sons died.
As hard as it may be, a good parent must both discipline their child and allow their child to be disciplined. We must be wise if we are considering saving them from wrong decisions knowing that bad decisions - and their consequences - are often the best teaching tools. We can hold our ground while leaving the light on at home, watching and praying for them. Notice the prodigal's father never encouraged his son in sinful living nor did he follow after him but patiently watched and waited. The hope is that the child returns to the Father a transformed child of God.
Is there anyone that believes Hunter Biden will be transformed by the pardon of his father?