February 17, 2025

A Point from pastor

It's Monday.   Sow the Word of God...  Tend and keep the garden.  
How do you make this a natural part of your life?  Maybe it begins by remembering to "walk in wisdom," make the best use of time," and always be "gracious" and "salty" in your speech.   If God's Word is in you, it should naturally come out of you.  (Are you in God's Word enough that this is happening?)
Curious...   would you be interested in attending a weekend conference at SSB for marriage - we would go through the Art of Marriage?  (they have refreshed the entire program... looks really good).  Yes, we did this a handful or more years ago.  

Curious (part 2)...  would you be interested in working through a six to ten-week parenting series at SSB - this could include some helps for as young as toddlers... through even teen and adult children.   Let me know (fill out the form below).  

Church Notes...

Beginning Sunday, March 2nd, we are going to suspend the worship service option in the basement.   We will no longer simulcast the 10am service there.   We understand this will be disappointing for a few;  we thank you to those who joined in downstairs.   It was a help when crowds were larger and during 2020 . . .   We have room for you in the sanctuary and desire all to be together!  
Thank you for understanding.


Here are the highlights of classes and events THIS week

Life Groups & Wednesday nights - There are several "Life Groups" (home Bible study) that meet each week.  In addition, the Wednesday evening OA:sis program is a full-slate of activities for all ages preceded by a meal.   Make these a part of your regular week if you are not already.  

Four the Master - The gospel quartet was fantastic last night!  Missed them?   They will be ministering Saturday, 3pm, at Richmont Village (702 Fort Crook Rd S in Bellevue).   You can join.

upcoming events

Make note of the classes and events available in the near future

Pinewood Derby - The annual Pinewood Derby is on March 19th at 6:30pm.  This is an event that our Club kids participate in and is a great opportunity to sow seed... er, um...  invite family members to so they can cheer on these kids (the Gospel will be presented).    Workshops for you to join your child in helping build a car will be on Saturdays - March 1, 8, and 15 (at 10am).  

Info Class - 
We are offering an information class during the Sunday school hour on March 9, 16, and 23.  This three-part class gives general information about SSB - what she believes, history, and polity.  Good for anyone new as well as a requirement for any considering membership.  

Missions Mini - The annual missions "mini" conference will be Sunday, March 16 at 6pm.  We'll have some area ministries highlighting their work as well as helps for you to serve in the community or at SSB.

Ladies' Retreat - March 28-29th is the annual ladies' retreat with guest Deb Bohlmann speaking.  

There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job, and that man was blameless and upright, one who feared God and turned away from evil.

- Job 1:1

Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

- 1 Thessalonians 5:23

Even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him.

- Ephesians 1:4

the Lord's day

We began with God's vindication of us... and our hope in Him.  He is our deliverer and our exceeding joy!   We also spoke about the history of President's Day (3/17) and the importance of a moral law - God's Word.  He is the moral law giver.  We then sang to this great God.... His "everlasting arms" are so powerful and so able to hold us up.  

The message kept us in Luke 8 as well as Colossians 4 as we considered how we have the "seed" - we have the Word of God and we are to be about giving it to others, proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God.  The sower sows seed.  He does not take a soil sample first.  We must be busy sowing.  Gardening - Adam and Eve tended and kept the garden.  So should we!   We are to pray for those who are about that work and we should also be about that work - as Col. 4:5-6 says:  Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.  How might we graciously begin to sprinkle some of this seed on folks today?

Did You Know?

Wednesday "Prayer Prods" are available online.  You can find (and save) the link at the bottom of this"SSB Weekly" newsletter.   Look for the "Prayer Prods" section below and click on the "WEEKLY PRAYER PRODS" button.

• Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called the Christ?  
Matthew 27:21-23

What do we do with Jesus?  Pilate washed his hands of Jesus and then gave Him over to be tortured and killed.  The Jews shouted “Crucify”.  The soldiers mocked, spit on, beat and killed Him.  All others watched as He was taken out to be crucified.  His own disciples fled, secretly watched, or even denied Him.

He is despised and rejected by men,
A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him;
He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.    
                   (Isaiah 53:3)

Some versions say “He is despised” and some say “He was despised”.  Is he or was he?  Yes; He was and still is.  So, what do we do with Jesus? The obvious answer is we take Him.  Take Him as Lord and savior.  Our acceptance with God depends on what we do with Jesus!  But what does that look like?  What do we really “do” with Him?  We follow Him. Read Matthew 16:24.  Some questions to ponder:

Can we get everything we want in life and deny ourselves?
Are we able to pick up the cross when we are holding on to so much already?
Are we following Jesus if our life is going in a direction He would never want?

Not a one of us will ever have to literally take up a cross and go down that road to our own crucifixion.  However, most believers would agree that they would gladly be crucified if the Lord asked us to.  Yet, how many would really gladly give their life in a triumphant final moment when they fail to give it in all the small little unnoticed details of their daily lives?  

What are you doing with Christ?

“The word communication comes from the Latin word communis, meaning "common."  Before we can communicate, we must establish commonness, commonality.  And the greater the commonality, the greater the potential for communication...  The classic biblical illustration is in John 4 - Jesus and the woman of Samaria. Notice what they have in common: Both are thirsty...  To truly impart information requires the building of bridges.”

- Dr. Howard Hendricks

Prayer Prods

  1. Becky M in surgery tomorrow (Tuesday) morning
  2. Steve Br recovering from surgery (fall, quad tendon tore from both knees)
  3.  Tami N still at Mayo - testing tomorrow
  4. Kathie P and others in cancer treatments
  5. Joyce B and Steve P - surgery recovery 
  6. Several sick among us . . .  bugs going around

General Calendar