• Support a Nigerian Missionary (Al's info below)
  • Beginning Sunday, March 2nd, we are going to suspend the worship service option in the basement.   We will no longer simulcast the service there.  Thank you to those who joined in downstairs.  We have room for you in the sanctuary!

Some of you may recall that when Al was here, he spoke of his return to Nigeria.  He grew up there when his dad was a missionary.  One interesting comment on Nigeria:  90% of all Christians killed in the world are in Nigeria.   Al shared with us the great news that they have 1,000 men and women trained and ready to be sent as missionaries.  They just lack funds.   What is amazing is the price tag to send just one is $600... ANNUALLY!  I suggested we might have a few folks interested in sending a missionary outright.  He has given me the following information:

To support one of these Nigerian missionaries, send your $600.00 check to:  Mr. Tony Rondinella, Box 5310, Glendale, CA 91201. Make your check out to Global Teaching Network and ear mark your check EMS Missionary support. They will choose your missionary and send you a tax receipt, bio of the missionary, tribe where he or she is from, and where they will be sent.   You will not be able to be in contact the missionary at any time for security reasons.  They do ask that you pray for your missionary every day.



February 17, 2025

A Point from pastor

It's Monday.   Sow the Word of God...  Tend and keep the garden.  
How do you make this a natural part of your life?  Maybe it begins by remembering to "walk in wisdom," make the best use of time," and always be "gracious" and "salty" in your speech.   If God's Word is in you, it should naturally come out of you.  (Are you in God's Word enough that this is happening?)
Curious...   would you be interested in attending a weekend conference at SSB for marriage - we would go through the Art of Marriage?  (they have refreshed the entire program... looks really good).  Yes, we did this a handful or more years ago.  

Curious (part 2)...  would you be interested in working through a six to ten-week parenting series at SSB - this could include some helps for as young as toddlers... through even teen and adult children.   Let me know (fill out the form below).  

Church Notes...

Beginning Sunday, March 2nd, we are going to suspend the worship service option in the basement.   We will no longer simulcast the 10am service there.   We understand this will be disappointing for a few;  we thank you to those who joined in downstairs.   It was a help when crowds were larger and during 2020 . . .   We have room for you in the sanctuary and desire all to be together!  
Thank you for understanding.


Here are the highlights of classes and events THIS week

Life Groups & Wednesday nights - There are several "Life Groups" (home Bible study) that meet each week.  In addition, the Wednesday evening OA:sis program is a full-slate of activities for all ages preceded by a meal.   Make these a part of your regular week if you are not already.  

Four the Master - The gospel quartet was fantastic last night!  Missed them?   They will be ministering Saturday at Richmont Village (702 Fort Crook Rd S in Bellevue).   You can join.

upcoming events

Make note of the classes and events available in the near future

Pinewood Derby - The annual Pinewood Derby is on March 19th at 6:30pm.  This is an event that our Club kids participate in and is a great opportunity to sow seed... er, um...  invite family members to so they can cheer on these kids (the Gospel will be presented).    Workshops for you to join your child in helping build a car will be on Saturdays - March 1, 8, and 15 (at 10am).  

Info Class - 
We are offering an information class during the Sunday school hour on March 9, 16, and 23.  This three-part class gives general information about SSB - what she believes, history, and polity.  Good for anyone new as well as a requirement for any considering membership.  

Missions Mini - The annual missions "mini" conference will be Sunday, March 16 at 6pm.  We'll have some area ministries highlighting their work as well as helps for you to serve in the community or at SSB.

Ladies' Retreat - March 28-29th is the annual ladies' retreat with guest Deb Bohlmann speaking.  

There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job, and that man was blameless and upright, one who feared God and turned away from evil.

- Job 1:1

Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

- 1 Thessalonians 5:23

Even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him.

- Ephesians 1:4

the Lord's day

We began with God's vindication of us... and our hope in Him.  He is our deliverer and our exceeding joy!   We also spoke about the history of President's Day (3/17) and the importance of a moral law - God's Word.  He is the moral law giver.  We then sang to this great God.... His "everlasting arms" are so powerful and so able to hold us up.  

The message kept us in Luke 8 as well as Colossians 4 as we considered how we have the "seed" - we have the Word of God and we are to be about giving it to others, proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God.  The sower sows seed.  He does not take a soil sample first.  We must be busy sowing.  Gardening - Adam and Eve tended and kept the garden.  So should we!   We are to pray for those who are about that work and we should also be about that work - as Col. 4:5-6 says:  Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.  How might we graciously begin to sprinkle some of this seed on folks today?

Did You Know?

Wednesday "Prayer Prods" are available online.  You can find (and save) the link at the bottom of this"SSB Weekly" newsletter.   Look for the "Prayer Prods" section below and click on the "WEEKLY PRAYER PRODS" button.

Who is Worthy?

Amos was a “working-class” prophet, a farmer and herdsman from Judah.  He was sent to the northern kingdom to speak of God’s judgment to come.  The nations surrounding Israel and Judah were to be judged (yay!).  But, so were Israel and Judah (oh, no!).  Amos warns that God does not play favorites.  This means that God is willing to pour out his blessings, regardless of status or ethnicity.  But this also means that none escape judgment for sin.  As Israel writes, he circles Israel delivering a message of judgment to the surrounding nations.  Israel would not have been troubled by this.  As long as God was judging other nations.  But, then, God starts meddling!  Preaching to Israel.  Although Israel had been chosen, the belt was going to come off.  God does not compromise with sin.  We must “prepare to meet our God!” (Amos 4:12).   God, though, as Amos shares, will restore us and forgiveness is offered and gladly given.  If we will stop going our own way and, as Amos would say, “seek the Lord and live” (5:4, 6).  Seek God.  God is worthy! 

This Month in Christian History

February 1, 2003
On February 1, 2003, the Space Shuttle Columbia broke apart during descent after sixteen days of space experiments.  The seven astronauts aboard lost their lives.  Unknown to many at the time, commander Rick Husband and mission specialist Michael Anderson were Christians, both active at Grace Community Church in Houston.  Husband was described by his pastor as “probably the godliest man I’ve ever met.”  Steve Green, Christian singer, was a friend of the Husband family and spoke of the tragedy that night at a scheduled concert.  He shared how Rick was never afraid to share his faith and had done so with the crew along with praying with and for them.

Before his mission, Rick videotaped 17 messages each for his family, one for each day he would be gone.  His wife shared of that final day’s message to his daughter Laura…  “Hi, Sweetie Pie,” Rick said on the tape. “It’s landing day, and hopefully, if the weather’s good, I'll be landing today in Florida. I’m certainly looking forward to seeing you and Matthew and Mama very much.” On the video, he then read from Laura's devotional book, and when he finished, he prayed for her: “Lord, thank You for bringing us to this point in the journey that our family has taken toward this mission. I pray that You’ll be with us in the shuttle and help us to have a great entry and landing today. We look forward to being back together as a family again.”  Rick looked into the camera and smiled. “Okay, Laura, it won't be long before I get to see you! I love you very, very much . . . I'm looking forward to seeing you and Mama and Matthew. I'll see you in just a little while! I love you. Bye-bye!”

Rick greatly desired his children to have a daily devotion to God.  

Be the Church

Commission Should Not Be Omission

What has often been called “The Great Commission” is Matthew 28:19-20:  “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

This is most-often used as a call to sending out missionaries or for us to evangelize.  It was spoke to the eleven disciples.  They were being told to “go” and “make” and “baptize” and “teach.”  We are, first and foremost, to be a part of those that are made, baptized and taught.  An omission that is most often missed in the Great Commission is that disciples are to be taught “to observe all that [Jesus] commanded.”   If we want to live out this commission, we must be teaching and observing His commandments.   There should not be omission in this commission!    A disciple obeys the commands of Jesus.  If we love Jesus, we will keep His commandments (John 14:15). It’s how we are to be His friends (John 15:14).  One writer speaking about obeying Jesus in everything He said wrote,  “My concern is that too often we fall into the trap of talking about real Christianity instead of actually living it.”  We need to believe in everything Jesus says and commit to obey what we’ve heard from Him.   Obey Jesus; be the church! 

BIG Words


See Deuteronomy 4:12; Jeremiah 15:16; 2 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 4:12-14.  Apocrypha means “hidden away” as in not meant for common use.   It is a collection of books written primarily in the time between the Old and New Testaments.  The writings first appeared in the Septuagint.    Israel treated the writings with respect but they were never accepted as Hebrew scripture.  The early Christian church, as well, found the writings suspect.  Catholics officially declared most of the Apocrypha as inspired at the Council of Trent (mid-1500s), mostly in response to the Reformation.  It is also important to realize that some decidedly Catholic doctrines such as purgatory and a heavenly treasury are supported by some of these writings.  From a historical standpoint, there is value in the information about some events (e.g. the Maccabean revolt).   Unfortunately, the writings also have portions that are unorthodox in addition to containing historical inaccuracies.  As Greg Koukl wrote, the 66 books of the Bible is a “list of authoritative books, not an authoritative list of books.”  We do not, as people, get to determine what is Scripture.  We recognize what God has already caused to be written.  As we read Scripture, the Holy Spirit works to convince us that the books we have in Scripture are all from God and are His words to us.  The 66 books of the Bible, throughout the ages, have been that list of authoritative books that speak to our hearts like no other writings.

The Moral of the story

In high school, I was invited to a greyhound race.  I would not recommend taking the family (it is a gambling sport) but it was fun to at least experience the dogs racing.  Greyhounds are sleek, fast dogs.  They run without a jockey.  They are trained to run after a mechanical rabbit made of fur that zips along a track in front of them.  Behind the scenes, an operator controls the speed of the bunny to keep it just out in front of the dogs.  Poor dogs, they never really catch their prize.  

Several years ago, in Florida, not long after a race began, the mechanical rabbit was making the first turn and an electrical short in the system caused it to stop and then explode into flames.  All that was left was a big of black on the end of a wire.  Without the rabbit, the dogs had no idea what to do.  Some just laid down on the track.  A couple of dogs, excited about racing, ran into a wall and broke some ribs.  Another dog just chased his own tail.  Others howled at people in the stands.  Not a single dog finished the race.

What race are you running?  What is the prize you are after?  So many people do pursue their own rabbit in life – we all must have a reason for living.  Too many people chase an illusion, not unlike a mechanical rabbit.  There really isn't a prize in the end for them.  In Philippians, Paul shared what he was chasing:  “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Phil. 1:21).  Jesus is not a bunny – He’s the real thing, the only thing worth pursuing in this life.  Paul even saw his pursuit as a sort of race when he wrote, “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:14).  Race hard!  And know He is worth it!

• Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called the Christ?  
Matthew 27:21-23

What do we do with Jesus?  Pilate washed his hands of Jesus and then gave Him over to be tortured and killed.  The Jews shouted “Crucify”.  The soldiers mocked, spit on, beat and killed Him.  All others watched as He was taken out to be crucified.  His own disciples fled, secretly watched, or even denied Him.

He is despised and rejected by men,
A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him;
He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.    
                   (Isaiah 53:3)

Some versions say “He is despised” and some say “He was despised”.  Is he or was he?  Yes; He was and still is.  So, what do we do with Jesus? The obvious answer is we take Him.  Take Him as Lord and savior.  Our acceptance with God depends on what we do with Jesus!  But what does that look like?  What do we really “do” with Him?  We follow Him. Read Matthew 16:24.  Some questions to ponder:

Can we get everything we want in life and deny ourselves?
Are we able to pick up the cross when we are holding on to so much already?
Are we following Jesus if our life is going in a direction He would never want?

Not a one of us will ever have to literally take up a cross and go down that road to our own crucifixion.  However, most believers would agree that they would gladly be crucified if the Lord asked us to.  Yet, how many would really gladly give their life in a triumphant final moment when they fail to give it in all the small little unnoticed details of their daily lives?  

What are you doing with Christ?

A Joyful Heart

I may be one of the few that stands in the elevator considering the emergency phone.  Many elevators have a sign near a tiny little door on the wall with a phone inside.  The sign says, “In case of emergency, dial “0.”  Really?   That suggests to me that there are other dialing options on the elevator phone.   Ever wonder if you can make other phone calls from an elevator?  Did you ever try?

It does lead me to question “Why not just have a phone with one button?   Of course, without a sign, in an emergency, many might just stare at it thinking, “I wonder what I should dial?”  

Interestingly, the disciples asked Jesus how to use the emergency phone for God; Luke 11:1, they said, “Lord, teach us to pray.”   They wanted to know what the key was to get directly to the help, the power, the support.   “Do we just dial ‘0’ or what?”

Jesus spoke (in Matthew 6) of praying for the relationship, to get more of God (6:5-6).  In an elevator, no one cares who might pick up.  In our prayers, though, we want (need!) that communication with God.  Jesus also spoke about empty, religious prayers (6:7-8).  In an elevator, we better not just hit a bunch of buttons hoping that more activity impresses the person answering.  God is not impressed with long, loud, or “perfect” prayers.  He’s ready to listen – just pick up the phone!
And, do not just call out to God in an emergency.  There is not just a “0” on our prayer phone line . . .  there are many other numbers (reasons) to call out to God.  Be in prayer.   Without ceasing. 

“The word communication comes from the Latin word communis, meaning "common."  Before we can communicate, we must establish commonness, commonality.  And the greater the commonality, the greater the potential for communication...  The classic biblical illustration is in John 4 - Jesus and the woman of Samaria. Notice what they have in common: Both are thirsty...  To truly impart information requires the building of bridges.”

- Dr. Howard Hendricks

Prayer Prods

  1. Becky M in surgery tomorrow (Tuesday) morning
  2. Steve Br recovering from surgery (fall, quad tendon tore from both knees)
  3.  Tami N still at Mayo - testing tomorrow
  4. Kathie P and others in cancer treatments
  5. Joyce B and Steve P - surgery recovery 
  6. Several sick among us . . .  bugs going around

General Calendar