• Ladies' Progressive Dinner
  • Daryl Mosley link and concert information
  • Baptism Class?
  • Info Class?
  • 5th Graders - entering into 6th grade... can now join LIGHThouse



June 24, 2024

A Point from pastor

Bless the LORD, O my soul!
   O LORD my God, you are very great!
   You are clothed with splendor and majesty,
covering yourself with light as with a garment,
   stretching out the heavens like a tent.
   - Ps. 104:1-2

We sing about God who "wraps Himself in light" - He is light and He dwells in light.  This God is, indeed, "very great!"   God is clothed in splendor and majesty - light itself!  Wow!   How great is our God?   Beyond our ability to describe Him (just try to explain how God can be clothed in light)!!!   In awe, we should be humbled in our heart to bless the Lord.   Bless Him:   Pour out praise and worship and thanksgiving to God.    Bless the LORD, O my soul!  


Safety Meetings begin again!    Annually, we conduct safety training sessions to prepare and approve our workers.  All who work with children or teens are required to attend a session annually.   This includes youth that will be helping with VBS, in the nursery, or with children's church.    Other roles, such as ushers, security team, etc...  should take part as well.  The three opportunities to attend are:  June 24 (today, Monday) at 7pm, July 6 (Saturday) at 10am, or July 13 (Saturday) at 1pm.  


This Sunday is a membership meeting following church - At 11:45, we will have lunch, hear from Jaime Farias, and, likely, vote to adjust the budget to fund his evangelism work.  

Church Notes...

We did not vote on hiring Jaime Farias to be an evangelist under SSB's direction.  Note, that certainly is not stopping him as he is having many conversations each week doing the work on his own.  We plan on continuing to give him some support, temporarily at least, from our benevolent funds.   A main concern was enough of you felt that it would have been nice to have gotten to know Jaime a little bit better.  We will schedule another time for him to share with us and for you to ask questions of him.  In addition, if you want to possibly invite him out to coffee or share a meal with him and learn more about him, let us know and we can get you connected to him.   We will likely consider a vote in the very near future.


Here are the highlights of classes and events THIS week

18-26 - Young adults meet weekly during the summer - tonight at 7pm.   In addition, there is also a study this summer at the Zieg home discussing The War on Children by MacArthur (along with some hanging out time!).

Safety - The first safety training session is tonight at 7pm.  Attending one is required for all who work with children or youth at SSB.  

Car Show - Friday from 4:30 to 7pm is a car show for all....    bring that cool muscle car, the fast hot-rod, or even the old pickup truck that turns eyes.  This is an opportunity to invite those not connected to SSB...  may this lead to connections that open doors to speak of Jesus.  Ice cream treats will be served.

Member Meeting - A lunch and business meeting on June 30th at 11:45 am to hear from Jaime followed by a possible vote to fund him as an SSB evangelist.   

upcoming events

Make note of the classes and events available in the near future

VBS -  Vacation Bible School (VBS) is July 8-11 (mornings).   Learn more HERE (Registration forms are on this page as well).

SAFETY - Annually, SSB hosts safety training sessions.  Attending one is required for all who work with children (or might like).  VBS helpers (i.e. middle school and high school students) should also attend.  The sessions this summer:  June 24 @7pm.   July 6 @ 10am.  July 13 @ 1pm.

Info Classes - For those interested in learning more of SSB or pursuing membership, information classes will be held in July (July 14, 21, and 28) during the SS hour.

Summer Bible Camps - Glad Tidings is a camp ministry we have sent several kids to.   They offer camps for pre-school age through High School (and a "wilderness" camp).  Visit their web-page HERE and consider signing up the kids.  Camps run end of May through July.  SSB will help with money if that is a concern.  

Creation Days Conference - August 10th will be this year's annual "Creation Days."  The format, this year, will be an all-day conference.   Matt Miles with the Creation Truth Foundation will be teaching at SSB (including breakout talks).  Food and childcare will be provided.  

A faithful man will abound with blessings, but whoever hastens to be rich will not go unpunished.

- Proverbs 28:20

Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful.

- 1 Corinthians 4:2

His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’

- Matthew 25:21

the Lord's day

We celebrated a 70th anniversary - congratulations Roger and Shirley for saying "I do" in 1954, still saying "I do" in 2024.  Before they Lord, they will say "I did."   Their faithfulness in marriage is an example for us all - and a great picture of Christ's faithfulness to the church.  

We brought Mike Nylin in as an elder emeritus.  SSB has three men now who serve in this way (Ron Miller, Roger Schutte, and Mike Nylin).  These men can assist the elected elders with prayer, Bible reading, counsel and adding their wisdom as needed.  We value these men and are thankful for their service to us over the years.  

The message from 1st John 5 about praying for the church considered the church as God's flock.  Thus we thought of Jesus as our Great Shepherd (Psalm 23, John 10).   God's will for the church (consider several pictures of the church given in the New Testament) is that Christ is the head, the flock is unified, we obey (or are disciplined), we carry out Christ's mission, and we are cared for by God.  Thus, we pray... pray that we follow, pray for unity, pray against temptation, pray for opportunities to be salt and light, and pray for open eyes to see needs of other members.  

Did You Know?

SSB offers occasional information and membership classes - these are requirements for membership at SSB.  And, good information to know us better.  

SSB also offers occasional baptism classes (one beginning on June 16).  This class offers helpful information on what the Bible teaches about baptism but also is a requirement for those who wish to be baptized at SSB.  

Who is Worthy?

Obadiah was an official of King Ahab who was in charge of the palace.  When Ahab’s wife, Jezebel, decided to murder any remaining prophets of God, Obadiah took a hundred of them, hid them in a cave, and ensured they had bread and water.  During a famine, Ahab sent Obadiah to look for grass for the king’s animals.   While searching, he came upon the prophet Elijah who gave him a message to give to King Ahab.  Knowing that the king desired Elijah’s death, Obadiah was concerned that when he brought the king to Elijah, if Elijah could not be found, Ahab would kill him instead.   After Elijah reassured him, Obadiah took the message to Ahab.  Obadiah served a wicked king but only in a way that really served God.  He ultimately “feared the Lord” (1 Kings 18:3) and served Him above all else.  We can serve God wherever we find ourself planted.  The king we serve is not the one truly worthy of our glory… nor is our life even worthy of our fearing it.  Serve God and fear Him.  He is worthy! 

This Month in Christian History

Ji Wang was part of an isolated Sediq tribal village in Taiwan.   At the age of 18, she was purchased for marriage by a Taiwanese merchant but her new husband was murdered within a few months.   She married another trader who left her in 1895 after she had a daughter.  

Through those marriages, Ji Wang had become quite well known for her trade experience and the Japanese asked her to attempt peace-making efforts with Taiwan.  She helped bring a period of peace between the two cultures.  In 1906, she married another man (she discovered 17-years later that he had another wife and children).  He abandoned her in 1925 with a great amount of debt, leaving her destitute.  During these years, several tribes had been subjected by the Japanese to a reservation for “protection” from outsiders; they kept much of their culture but were forced to abandon head-hunting.  

Ji wang was a central figure in helping this tribe to reconcile with God.  She became a Christian through the preaching of a Taiwanese Presbyterian pastor named Li Shiu-che.   After attending his church for a year, she was baptized on June 1, 1924.   Although she kept this secret from her own people for five years, she was encouraged in 1929 to receive training at a Presbyterian School so she might help to reach the tribal people.   From there, she was able to teach small groups of Sediq who came to her home under the cover of darkness.   As their numbers grew, they met secretly in caves or the mountains for worship.   After the Japanese left, many of the believers could be baptized (500 the first year alone) and form churches.   By 1949, over 5,000 Sediq had been baptized – much of that due to her ministry – she died in 1946 at the age of 74. 

Be the Church

Threefold Cord

We need others.  The preacher in Ecclesiastes wrote “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”  Consider just the benefits of having another in your life just in those few verses.   We need others to help and to hold us accountable.   Do you have another that can pick you up?  One who will keep you warm?  One who might help you battle an enemy?   How about the other side:  Who are you helping out that has fallen?  Who are you helping through a dark, cold time in life?   Who are you helping that is facing enemies?   Find another or two… be a “threefold cord that is not quickly broken.”  Be the church. 

BIG Words


See 1 Cor. 3:11; Hebrews 13:8-9; 1 Peter 5:8.   “Fundamentalism” was a movement that arose in the US after WWI.  It began as a way to simply reaffirm orthodox Christianity and the fundamentals it holds to (thus defending it against the various “isms” deemed harmful).  As it progressed, some fundamentalists became militant and divisive in their methods.  Yet today, it is used as a derogatory term most often referring to protestants who remove themselves from mainstream culture and religion or extremists who tend to be aggressive and even violent in their views.  True believers do hold to fundamentals of their faith.  We can certainly be charitable in certain doctrines but the clarity of the gospel, who Jesus is, the impeccability of Scripture, and the sovereignty of God are not to be trifled with.  Although we might not want to be labeled “fundamentalist,” believers must hold to key Biblical fundamentals.

The Moral of the story

Oh, those first computer games.  I’m thinking of Microsoft’s famous “Flight Simulator.”  First played on home computers in 1982, you could choose a plane (prop plane, Lear jet, etc) and choose from over 100 airports around the country to take off from and attempt to return to.  It took hours of practice to avoid crashing the plane and, instead, landing safely.  It was very realistic.  I personally enjoyed the crashing.  Goodbye Empire State Building or Sears Tower.  “Hello, Lake Michigan, yes I would like to take a swim!”

The best part about the game was that you could always be restored.  When you crashed and burned, you always could return to the runway, ready to take off again.  Welcome to a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  Those who are truly His can trust that the Lord is always ready to faithfully forgive us and restore us when we crash.   “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).  Christ is faithful to forgive us; we are never eliminated from our life in Him. 

•Who told you that you were naked?  - Genesis 3:11

Satan asks the first question recorded in Scripture.  But then God asks the next questions.  Four of them in Genesis 3.  This second question was to Adam.   Imagine a world so perfect where you never had a reason to blush?  Adam and Eve, in their glory were naked and felt no shame.  The implication of the question is that it did not even occur to them that they were naked.   But, once they sinned, they could not look upon their own nakedness without blushing.

First, “Who told you that you were naked?” seems to be a rhetorical question.  Designed to get Adam thinking.  No one told him… somehow, he figured it out… something had changed.  This is connected to the “knowledge of good and evil.”  There is suddenly an evil knowledge that Adam now knows (just like God said would happen).
This question also looks past the results of the sin.  The results are the nakedness (and death, the curse, etc).  But we all know that often remorse is only for getting caught.  People feel remorse for the results of their action, their sin.  “Who told you that you were naked?” takes Adam from being naked (results) back to the sin, back to the cause.  A question we must always consider in our circumstances is “Am I harboring sin that might have led to this?”  

A Joyful Heart

I can only think of a few times that my older brother tried to kill me as a child.   Thankfully, he was never successful.  To be fair, I don’t think it was always intentional.  Scott is seven years older than me.  These incidents all qualify for a “do not try this at home” warning:  

Scott was kind enough to pull me behind him while he drove the three-wheeler several times one snowy winter.  He strapped a long rope to the back that was then tied to an inner-tube (thinking back, I believe he may have even coated the tube with wax).  He particularly enjoyed swinging me down along the side of the irrigation ditch where he could then speed up, thus yanking me out in a way that caused me to go airborne.   Probably not trying to kill me but, still, one wonders.  

I can recall another time when he was throwing knives at me in our basement.  At first, he was really just throwing the steak knives at my feet (sort of a bizarre “dance” similar to cowboys shooting at feet).  At some point I did get scared enough to run upstairs.  The stairway went up about six steps to a landing and then the remaining six steps were to the right… after rounding the corner at the landing, I heard a thump as a knife stuck into the back wall of the stairs behind me.  Benefit of the doubt… not intentional (perhaps just trying to maim me).  

The last example I will give is the time we were playing a sort of “Russian roulette” with a bow and arrow.  I refer you again to the fact that I was seven years younger – he was maybe 16 or 17.  Out in the field, Scott would shoot an arrow from the compound bow straight up in the air.  A few times, we would just stand in place… he could watch the arrow going up and coming down, knowing it would miss us.  I recall one sticking to the roof of a garage.   I was the one who climbed up on top to get it out and I never could dislodge the tip… I had to unscrew the arrow.  The last arrow I remember him shooting up, though, I clearly recall him yelling “RUN!” – he’d lost it!  It landed within ten-feet of us.  

Not often does one look back on his childhood and recall God’s grace in saving him from his brother’s mischiefs but I had some close calls.   Yes, my brother likely should have been in a “home for wayward boys” - he is doing much better now.  He hasn’t tried to kill me (intentionally or not) for several years now.  Of course, I’m wiser now as well.  Each of us can recall “close calls” in our own life where God spared us (perhaps not from a “loving” brother).  Even so, each next breath is significant and we should praise Him.  We should also be mindful of God’s call on our life… thinking of Paul’s words here:  “But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.”   I wonder if Paul had an older brother?

“Unbelief weakens the assenting act of faith.  In so doing, it severs the soul from its principal relief against danger and trouble.  It is the office of faith to impress upon the soul the invisible things of the world to come, thereby encouraging it against the fears and dangers of the present world.”

- John Flavel

Prayer Prods

  1. Kathie Pieper still in rehabilitation at Old Mill (may be kicked out today)
  2. Janet at home & improving
  3. Joyce M recovering from UTI
  4. Drew, Anderson's grandson, recovering from a face surgery
  5. Phyllis Shook (Danell's mom) with memory issues and moving to care home
  6. Laurie H as she recovers from knee surgery
  7. SSB as she prayerfully considers next steps with Jaime
  8. Gonzalez family as Isabelle comes home
  9. Peggy beginning a new round of infusions
10.  Gerald at some hospital ER visits last week
11.  The Robert Family (Tristan and Autumn)
12.  McFarlings as they battle the courts

General Calendar